About us

Dark Mode is the latest iteration of the groundbreaking Berlin comedy show “The Berlin Offensive”. Dark Mode’s shows are produced by Nir Gottleid (“The Berlin Offensive”, “Schindler’s Fist”, “The Revenge of the Jewdi” and more).

Dark Mode aims to give a home to all comics and audiences that believe that comedy isn’t quite as funny if it doesn’t involve some pain. We’d like you to laugh, but we’ll take groaning in pain as a close second best. We produce several types of shows (and you can see them all here!) – and we aim to have two show times every night we are at a venue!

Our home venue is Z-Bar, in Bergstr. 2 in Berlin – with easy access through U-Rosenthaler Platz and S-Nordbahnhof – but on occasion we will put on shows in other venues, cities or countries.

Our upcoming shows

Upcoming Events

Our show formats

  • Dark Mode Prime Time – not your standard comedy show! Prime Time shows have a roster of professional comics who have years of experience in the industry; some have TV writing and performing credits, and all are hilarious. We typically ticket these shows in advance – and we have in the past sold out – so make sure to get your tickets early!
  • Dark Mode Late Nights – once it starts getting later and darker in the evening, things start getting… weird. Late nights is when we experiment with new and exciting formats, bring on new and exciting comics, and in general – fuck around a bit. These shows are typically donation based – and we would love to see you there. Some of the shows included in the late night format are:
    • Toggle Mode: Some comics lean towards darker material, and some comics lean towards the light. Dark Mode Toggle welcomes all – but forces them out of their comfort zones. Hilarity ensues shortly thereafter. In Dark Mode Toggle, 4 comics perform two sets. The first half is “light mode” in which the comics are forced to avoid any dark subject and perform with levity. After the break, the same comics come back again and try their best with a dark set. Come see some comics squirm with discomfort when they try to make jokes about airline food, and some comics squirm with discomfort when they try to write jokes about gas chambers.
    • The New Dark Times: Who needs to write jokes when the world is a joke onto its own? The New Dark Times is a current event shows were unqualified comics opine needlessly on current events. Always fresh, always interesting, and sometimes even funny!
    • Beta Edition: In Dark Mode Beta Edition – we open the floor to new and old comics alike in a dark comedy open mic – where comics get to try new jokes and polish their old material. Beta Edition is where jokes are born!
  • Special Shows: On occasion, we will have touring dark comedians performing their solos! Sometimes we will have double headers, sometimes we will have roast battles, and sometimes we will have special events! Stay tuned and watch these spaces!