We’re Back Baby!

We are back! A new season of darkness is here! Shows here:

Event Series

Dark Mode #129: Black Hole Open Mic

Get Sucked. Into the Abyss. The Black Hole is Berlin’s rawest dark comedy open mic—where jokes go to die, and new stars are born.  Welcome to The Black Hole—where jokes go […]
Event Series

Dark Mode #131: Black Hole Open Mic

Get Sucked. Into the Abyss. The Black Hole is Berlin’s rawest dark comedy open mic—where jokes go to die, and new stars are born.  Welcome to The Black Hole—where jokes go […]
Event Series

Dark Mode #133: Black Hole Open Mic

Get Sucked. Into the Abyss. The Black Hole is Berlin’s rawest dark comedy open mic—where jokes go to die, and new stars are born.  Welcome to The Black Hole—where jokes go […]
Event Series

Dark Mode #135: Black Hole Open Mic

Get Sucked. Into the Abyss. The Black Hole is Berlin’s rawest dark comedy open mic—where jokes go to die, and new stars are born.  Welcome to The Black Hole—where jokes go […]

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About us

Dark humor (n.):  humor marked by the use of usually morbid, ironic, grotesquely comic episodes

Are you the type of person that laughs when it’s completely inappropriate? Do jokes about pain make you chuckle? Are you the type of person who people avoid at parties because deep down inside you are bleak, morbid, and sad, and deal with that through an unusual sense of humor?

If you are: Welcome home.

If you aren’t: Get away while you still can.

Dark Mode is brought to you by the producers that brought you “The Berlin Offensive” and “Schindler’s Fist”. It’s a comedy show in English show that deals with things other shows and comics are usually ill equipped to handle, and you get to join in on the fun!

Check out some other shows in English in Berlin at comedyinenglish.de