Persianality Disorder!
A Dark Comedy Show in English by Sepideh Kaav — Unfiltered and Unapologetic Join Iranian-born, Berlin-based stand-up comedian Sepideh for an evening of dark humor and candid revelations at her […]
Group discount of 2€ per ticket! Automatically applied when you purchase four or more tickets of any time! If you have coupon codes, you can apply them at checkout on the next page.
After a two year plus hiatus including a pandemic, team changes, and more – Europe’s premiere dark comedy show in English is BACK.
Online tickets are always cheaper than the door – and online sales close 30 minutes prior to doors opening. We will have a limited number of tickets at the door for €20 based on available space.
Dark Mode Prime Time features an all pro lineup of non-stop cavalcade of offensive humour, holocaust jokes, and vivid discussions of necrophilia. Comics will take to the stage to discuss such wide ranging topics from pediatric cancer to why Germans love asparagus so much. Comics on the Prime Time show are typically professional comedians who have extensive touring experience & TV credits. This is not your standard Berlin open mic.
There is a new lineup every show – and up to date information is always available at !
This show we are featuring the following Berlin comics!
SHAWN JAY (England): @shawnjaycomedy
Shawn Jay is a stand-up comedian and wandering vagabond philosopher who has toured all over Australia, New Zealand, Asia and Europe, including a full run at the prestigious Edinburgh Fringe Festival where he premiered his solo show ‘A Fun Guide to Nihilism’. Now a regular on the European circuit, performing at festivals and in cities across the continent, his unique brand of thought-provoking humour swings from silly to surreal, tickling your funny bones as well as fingering your brain.
He can be found at
SEPIDEH: @sepcomedy
Sepideh is an Iranian stand-up comedian based in Berlin. She grew up in the Middle East, spoiled by oil money and patriarchy, and came to Europe to pursue her dream of becoming an average engineer. Her humor has been described as dark and gross but eye-opening.
MILES LLOYD (Wales): @themileslloyd
Miles Lloyd is a professional performer from Wales residing in Berlin! He’s a comedian, a musician, and all around professional funny guy. How professional is he? He’s so professional he didn’t bother to submit a bio for this show, so the producers had to write the bio for him. Miles is famous for his improvisational, zany style, and also for smelling like a dying goat! While he’s riddled with veneral diseases, don’t let that stop you from enjoying what he has to say on stage. We love Miles!
ABHIPSHA MOHANTHY (India): @abiscomedy
Abi is a Berlin based comedian.Born in India, she didn’t go far from the stereotype of being a software engineer. While that fills her pockets, comedy fills the void in her heart. Currently converting childhood trauma into jokes one show at a time, Abi has been performing all over Europe, usually in places where Ryanair goes.
Doors are at 19:30, show starts at 20:00 and stick around for our late show, which promises to bring even more darkness and fun!
Note: Lineups may change without notice due to unforeseen events, illnesses, cancellations, etc.
Group discount of 2€ per ticket! Automatically applied when you purchase four or more tickets of any time! If you have coupon codes, you can apply them at checkout on the next page.
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